News from #StephenKellogg - August 2017

Stephen Kellogg is one of the most talented, hard working musicians out touring. I love love love his music! and the sweetest man you will ever meet.... he tells stories about his family and touring....and his music reflects his storytelling...he weaves human, love, fun and sad into his lyrics.... this is my favorite song....his this is my favorite place.... Here is news from his latest official newsletter: OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER AUGUST 2017 WWW.STEPHENKELLOGG.COM Hey there SK fans! Jessica K. Martin here. I'm Stephen's manager and I'm doing a guest spot for this edition of the monthly newsletter. I wanted to pull back the curtain a little so that you could see the full scope of our team, whose job it is to "move the ball up the field." When Stephen's agent and I book a tour, my staff goes into high gear working with the venues to put the shows on sale and...