Owen Danoff - The MUS-LETTER

1. Big announcement!
2. Shows

Big announcement!

I’ve delayed putting out the newsletter this month because I’ve been waiting until I could reveal some pretty huge news.  Thankfully, that time has come!

As of now I can tell you all that I’ve auditioned for season 10 of the NBC show The Voice!  I am so, so excited about this and have been dying to let the cat out of the bag.  The amount of support I’ve gotten from friends and family so far has been absolutely overwhelming and I am really lucky to have such wonderful people on this journey with me.  If you are interested in being a part of it all, the season begins on Monday, February 29th (9 days from now).  The process has been crazy so far and I will need all of the well wishes and support (and, if I get there, VOTES!!) I can get!

That’s all I can tell you for now but I will be writing and sharing a lot once the show kicks off!  I will still of course be sending out this newsletter, but if you want to get more up-to-the-minute information about all of this craziness, I will be posting on all of my social media channels (listed below!).

Twitter: @owendanoff
Instagram:  @owendanoff

In addition to all of this, there is a free NBC The Voice app for iPhone where you can vote for your favorite contestants and build a fantasy Voice team!  If I do get to the point where votes come into play, that app could be a lifesaver!



2/20 (Saturday) - Postcrypt Coffeehouse, NYC

2/24 (Wednesday) - The Birchmere, Alexandria, VA

3/4 (Friday) - Bethesda Blues & Jazz Supper Club, Bethesda, MD
This is the 2016 Bernard/Ebb Songwriting Awards.  As the winner of the Grand Prize award last year, I will be back in 2016 performing at the awards show!  The 2015 Bernard/Ebb Songwriting Awards evening was something I'll never forget and I am thrilled to be there and watch the next winner be selected.

More on all of this next month!  Talk to you soon!

- Owen
Copyright © 2016 Owen Danoff music, All rights reserved.


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