Singer for 60s band The Grass Roots dies in Fla.

Rob Grill, the lead singer of 1960s rock band The Grass Roots, has died near Orlando, an official with the medical examiner's office said Tuesday. He was 67.

Grill sang on such hits as "Midnight Confessions," "Temptation Eyes," and "Let's Live for Today." He died Monday at a hospice facility in Lake County, Fla., a suburb of Orlando, said Michael Hensley, director of the medical examiner's office.

A woman who answered the phone at Cornerstone Hospice confirmed Grill was a patient but wouldn't release further information, citing privacy concerns.

The Grass Roots were a Los Angeles-based band with roots in San Francisco's music scene. They formed in the mid-1960s and went through three incarnations, with band members leaving and others joining, before they recorded a series of hits. Grill joined in 1967 and the group disbanded in 1975. One of the members was Creed Bratton, who now plays the exceedingly eccentric Creed on the TV sitcom "The Office."

Grill released a solo album, Uprooted, in 1979.

reprinted from AP, Jul 12, 2011 2:48 pm PDT


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