Taylor Swift Is 'Totally Cool,' Tour Openers NeedToBreathe Say

Five years ago this month, I had an itch I needed to scratch...I bought a car, I got a tattoo, nothing was making me 'feel better'.....so, I convinced my oldest we needed a road trip...my all time favorite performer is Edwin McCain....I had always wanted to see him but never got out to....so, I found out that he was playing the House of Blues in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.....and I said to the Bee Girl, come on, we're going on a road trip.....we left the house at 0'dark thirty on a Saturday morning and 8 hours later, we were in Myrtle Beach.....we found a Super 8 motel almost directly across the street from the House of Blues......a few hours nap later, we went to the HOB to catch the show....

Of course, it was A-M-A-Z-N-G.....

Edwin, being a South Carolina boy, had an opening act...called  NEEDTOBREATHE

They were A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.

Led by the Reinhart brothers, Bo and Bear, this group really shocked me....I wasnt prepared for their type of music...and every single person in that venue had obviously heard them before, sans me and the Bee Girl.  But I thoroughly enjoyed them!.....After the show, they were in the lobby, signing their CDS....of course, I had to have one and of course, I stood in line, cos I knew one day, this band was going to be great......

And sure enough, they are on their way....opening up for Taylor Swift on her tour, and I might add, hand picked by Taylor.

Theyve changed their style a bit since I first saw them.....theyve become a little more religious in their songs but they still continue to sound tight, young and enthusiastic....

Taylor Swift Is 'Totally Cool,' Tour Openers NeedToBreathe Say

South Carolina rock band tells MTV News Swift is 'very pro for somebody who's 21.'

Even at the tender age of 21, Taylor Swift is one of the most poised superstars on the planet. And she has quite the reputation for being incredibly professional to work with. But when her tour openers NeedToBreathe finally got the chance to meet her, they were actually surprised by how true that is. 

"Well, she won't let us look at her [for] long," Bear Reinhart joked to MTV News. Brother Bo added, "She wears, like, a veil over her face the whole time, like, no eye contact." 

Of course, that is anything but true, and Bear later added, "Honestly, it's been really not like that at all. She was totally cool the first day ... very pro for somebody who's 21." Bo continued, "[She's] very down to earth and easy [to work with]." 

Check out more of the article here 

This isnt the best video of NEEDTOBREATHE but it is my favorite song they do.....


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