Buddy Rich - A jazz drumming legend....stolen items!

I found this shared on a local muscian's Facebook page.  Cathy Rich shared this on her Facebook page....upon further investigation, I discovered that her father was Buddy Rich, a legendary jazz drummer.  Please share this, tweet it, or however your do your social media....this guy, Don Bennett seems to be an asshole.....

Several weeks ago I contacted Don Bennett who owned a music store in Washington state. He is selling a set of my father's cymbals that were stolen from us after he passed away. I tried to explain that the cymbals belong with my family, not being sold on Ebay for 30k, as he has been trying to do for quite some time. He pretended he didn't understand what I was saying..and I explained further. I was very nice and asked if after he was gone and vultures were selling off his property without permission, how he thought his family would feel? He left me a vm yesterday saying he was not going to give them back, and would continue to try to sell them.....I'm appealing to all of my fb friends to pass the word on this and NOT dignify this blatant disregard of me and my family and most of all Buddy's wishes! Thank you.


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