Hanson is all grown up, and they're coming to Philly

Ok, confession time.....when MMBOP came out, I loved it....sue me....it was catchy, fun and I loved it....funny thing, these fellas have stayed in the business, grew up, married, had a shitload of children.....but you never read about their downfalls from drugs, women, sex, whatever......their parents had them grow up on blues, family and old rock n roll.....Ive purchased a few of their cd's over the years......theyve been on the Rock Boat and they do still have a huge following.....I once went with three teenagers to a Backstreet Boys concert and their wasnt enough beer for me to get through that....I do think however, Hanson is a bucket list item.....

When the Forbes Under 30 Summit comes to town this October, they'll be closing out the three-day event with a music festival. The lineup is quite a mash-up of musical styles, with DJ and producer Avicii, electronic violinist Lindsey Stirling and rock group Hanson headlining the gig.
Yes, that Hanson.
The three brothers, Zac, Taylor and Isaac, who make up the band have come a long way since their long-haired "MmmBop" days. 
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