Jelly Roll: Beautifully Broken Tour More Info Sat • Sep 21 • 7:00 PM Capital One Arena, Washington, DC

I'm just a long haired son of a sinner
Searching for new ways I can get gone
I'm a pedal to the highway if you ever wonder why we write these songs
'Cause I'm only one drink away from the devil
I'm only one call away from home
Yeah, I'm somewhere in the middle
I guess I'm just a little
Right and wrong

Jason Deford aka Jelly Roll is coming to town. If you didnt know his story already, you can click the link and read about it.

I love this man. He's come for the school of hard knocks, mostly due to his own doing, he's a husband and a father (I just love his wife Bunnie XOXO). He's testified to Congress on the effects drugs has done to his life in regards to his daughter and her drug addled mother. Here's a small snippet; he moved me to tears in his honesty.

I stayed up to watch the CMT awards to see his performance, that made me cry as well and he did win three awards.

Click here for tickets.

#jellyroll #sonofasinner #needafavor #bunniexo #BeautifullyBrokenTour


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