A new catergory! More about ME.....

Lately, Ive just been posting alot of reposts of music that's playing here there and everywhere and adding my own words to the posts........as I was riding down the road today and listening to 70's on Sirius, I thought about my musical tastes.....

Its hard to explain....maybe eclectic (by definition:  deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources).....in my personal life i love all things vintage, old, kitsch, antiques, just things that make me happy......and yep, just about all 70's music makes me happy.....i guess cos' it brings back alot of great memories....

So, today, I was reminded of a 70's band that may make some cringe, may bring a smile, may bring a tear.....but it made me smile cos i loved soft rock as well as the hard stuff....bubble gum, pop, disco, etc....

Yes, Im going to say it, the song was Baby I'm a want you, by BREAD


I had an uncle that was about 20 years older than me and he was all about the 60's and the 70's music....after his death, I inherited all of  his PRISTINE 45's.  He and his wife were big Bread fans.....so it was only natural that i came to love them too.....

There was just something very sexy about David Gates vocals....smooth, breathy and sensual....of course, who could forget IF?......probably only second to Edwin McCain's "I could not ask for more" as one of the most popular wedding songs....EVER

Anyhow, the song brought back many memories for me as a preteen/teenager...my fat gawky stage, crushing on the hotshot of the class.....it made me smile...alot.....and another reason was that it played on the day I celebrated my one year, cancer free anniversary!  


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