Naked Blue, Sept 12, 2015

Old Town Bowie Concert Series is pleased to present the singer songwriting team of Naked Blue featuring Jennand Scott Smith. You will love them and their music.

Doors at 7pm
Concert at 8pm

Advance tickets - $12.50
At the Door - $15.00


Drawing from the Americana tradition and firmly grounded with a pleasing pop sensibility, the performing songwriter team, Jen and Scott Smith, and their band, Naked Blue, have become a mainstay on the folk/pop scene. They quit their day jobs in 1991 and have been writing, recording & performing music ever since. The strength of their songwriting has allowed them to easily transition between intimate acoustic performances and full band shows on some major stages including DAR Constitution Hall (DC), Webster Hall (NY) and The Bottom Line (London).

Over the years they've share stages with John Mayer, Joe Cocker, Jeffrey Gaines, Aimee Mann, Kenny Loggins, Dan Fogelberg, Derek Trucks Band, Jonatha Brooke, Lowen & Navarro to name just a few. Their music has been featured in film & television spots on The Young & the Restless, Brooklyn South, Jack & Jill, That's Life, America's Top Model, Mein Leben & Ich and in the films The Girl Next Door, About Sarah, June, Sex and the City
Drugs & Democracy, The Smokers and Second to Die.

With previous AAA and community radio success in the U.S., Europe and U.K. from their past 5 releases, 2013 will see them back out on the road and the airwaves. Their new CD, 'Weightless' is a toss up of authentic Americana, purely satisfying pop hooks and a some unabashedly good rock n roll guitar work supporting Jen's smoky, intimate and award winning voice.


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