Get well Soon Clarence Clemons!

It seems that Clarence Clemons' stroke is very serious.

I have always enjoyed Bruce Springsteen and his band...Im not a rabid fan as some are but I do like his music....I remember when my friend Leah, who worked at THE COOLEST RECORD STORE in DC in the early 80's, Georgetown Penguin Feather, ran a contest for the BORN IN THE USA debut.  It was to create a window display for the record and Leah created a very simplistic display - she had a pair of jeans, a white sleeveless tee shirt and a red baseball hat in the back pocket and the record album (yes, the ALBUM as in VINYL) was all around and she may have had an American Flag somewhere in the display.....and she WON the contest!  And the prize was an all expense paid trip to see Bruce and his band - dont remember where but she was psyched cos she was THE RABID BRUCE FAN!....She did get to meet him and it was the beginning of her career in the music business....many many years later, we are still buddies, albeit on FACEBOOK and I still love following her career....


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