Hollywood Hot for Music Biopics...

 Read the article here:  Music Biopics 

I recently saw this article on Yahoo and as I read it, I thought, do I really need to see some of these biographies?

JAMES BROWN - Dont get me wrong - I like James Brown -- but other than his Living in America ala ROCKY - I dont know much about him...the bigger question is do I want to?

 JEFF BUCKLEY- Ok, Im lame, I dont even know who this is....
SAM COOKE- I liked Sam Cooke...loved loved loved Chain Gang, Wonderful World, You Send Me...all songs featured in cult classic movies....biopic?....Nah

BRIAN EPSTEIN - I think I would be interested in seeing something about the beginnings of the FAB 4....Im not sure if there are movies out there that exist about them.....survey says DOABLE.

ARETHA FRANKLIN - I get bad vibes of doing biopics when people are still alive...and who in the WORLD could even play her - maybe Jennifer Hudson?

MARVIN GAYE- I struggle about not wanting to know the depths of this soul singers world and what it became....I loved Sexual Healing and would have liked to see where his career might have gone after his comeback....but there are some things better off NOT KNOWING....

SERGE GAINSBOURG - Again, who is this PERSON?

PEGGY LEE - I dont know much about her - BUT WOULD LOVE TO!!  Is there any more of a sexier song than FEVER?? GROWL...Id love to get to know her in a biopic but not sure as the article states if I want to see ANOTHER outlet for Reese Witherspoon....

BOB MARLEY - this could be an awesome outlet for the right actor - I could see Academy Award material if this picture was written about the man AND the music...

QUEEN- OH. HELL. YEAH......nuff said.....Id take it any way it came...

TUPAC SHAKUR - Ummm...no.....I love me some Tupac -- but his world of gangster one upman ship along with Biggie Smalls and all that crew....I want to just continue to enjoy his music...

FRANK SINATRA - ENOUGH!....We all KNOW his beginnings, his middles and his end...I dont want to know anymore

Id like to know, where are THE RAMONES in this list - can you imagine?


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