“Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music”

So, this is my first post -

Wait, I should say OUR first post - 

Ive been wanting to start a music blog for a long time...not sure if anyone would actually want to read what I have to say due to the fact that I'm not a musician ....

But I love music

Ever since my first 45 when I was 5 years old (dont laugh, it was SAYING SOMETHING STUPID by Frank and Nancy Sinatra and I still have it), to my first concert in 1976 (The Beach Boys, dont hate) to my first club that I sneaked into (The Club Sunrise, St Mary's finest), to dating my first musician boy friend (a bass player) to the hundreds of concerts later, to my ever changing music tastes to my quest to find new music....

A few items to note:

*  The postings here are opinions, not fact

* Please, when posting comments, you are respectful - I dont want ugly....discussions, sure, ugly, no

* This is for fun, information, friendship

*  If you have something you want posted, please feel free to email us.

I would like to see postings about music, the industry, events, local venues, festivals, videos, song lyrics, equipment, whatever comes to mind...

This is a work in progress....it will evolve everyday...just like music does....


  1. I guess technically I'm a musician but really I'm also a music lover. So if I wanted to post something it would have to be something with a message I believe in, about why we're all here, love.

    So without trying to promote any individual band or movement, other than that of love, here's a perfect embodiment of that.



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