Happy Leap Day! I typically think of a year as having 365 days, but every 4 years, there is an exception to the rule. An extra day! It's almost like we bought some extra time on this earth, which I'm not mad about in the slightest. I thought since we received an extra day this year, I would add to the fun and bend the rules a bit by giving away my latest EP, CAROLINA, for free on NoiseTrade! No strings attached. My gift to you! It will only be available on NoiseTrade today and will magically disappear tomorrow, as if it and a 366th day never even happened. ( Whoowhooowhooo--hahahaha, sinister laugh ) CAROLINA EP - FREE on NoiseTrade HERE: http://noisetrade.com/nathanangelo/carolina-ep Be sure to shout about it and let your friends know that they have a limited chance to snag some free NA music! If you feel so inclined to leave a tip on NoiseTrade, all the proceeds will go to the Frazee Center , a free preschool, morning and after school...
New Music Saturday! I have a youtube playlist - and when I see new music pop up, I save it to a list called Terrytunes. Please, if you get a chance, check it out! These all came up new recently, and they are mucho awesome! Check 'em out! First up, Phil Wickam. More about him here New from Mat Kearney - Ive seen him in concert, he is awesome! OneRepublic just has that vide and sound I dig as a longtime music lover. Colton Dixon , from American Idol. I dont watch the show, but this came up as a new video and I was like, let me check it out - and its great!
Facebook Twitter Website Bandcamp YouTube 1. Big announcement! 2. Shows Big announcement! I’ve delayed putting out the newsletter this month because I’ve been waiting until I could reveal some pretty huge news. Thankfully, that time has come! As of now I can tell you all that I’ve auditioned for season 10 of the NBC show The Voice! I am so, so excited about this and have been dying to let the cat out of the bag. The amount of support I’ve gotten from friends and family so far has been absolutely overwhelming and I am really lucky to have such wonderful people on this journey with me. If you are interested in being a part of it all, the season begins on Monday, February 29 th (9 days from now). The process has been crazy so far and I will need all of the well wishes and support (and, if I get there, VOTES!!) I can get! That’s all I can tell you for now but I ...
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